Pre-Conference: 3 hours (approved for Admin, nursing & CBDM) approval pending
Conference Day 1: 7.5 hours Admin, 6.25 nursing contact hours and CBDM hours, approval pending
Conference Day 2: 4 hours (approved for Admin, nursing & CBDM) approval pending

ADMINISTRATIVE CEUs: 11.5 hours of continuing education from Nebraska DHHS Regulation and Licensure, Board of NHA has been approved for the LeadingAge Nebraska Annual Conference. An additional 3 hours have been approved for the Pre-Conference, for a total of 14.5 hours IWCC logoavailable. Appropriate records will be maintained for other disciplines to receive credit from their credentialing organizations.

NURSING CONTACT HOURS: 10.25 (plus 3 for Pre-Conference) CE credits provided by Iowa Western Ccommunity College (IWCC), Iowa’s Board of Nursing Provider #6. Approval Pending. Attendees must apply for the approved hours with IWCC SEPARATE from their conference registration. Instructions for applying with IWCC for nursing hours will be sent prior to the conference. Nursing Certificates of Completion will be emailed by IWCC to everyone who applies through the IWCC website within 4 weeks of the conference.

CBDM HOURS:This program has been approved for 10.25 (plus 3) CE hours, fulfilling the continuing education requirements of the Certifying Board for Dietary Managers (CBDM). Approval Pending. Granting prior approval CBDM logodoes not constitute endorsement of the program content or its program sponsor.